Saturday, April 11, 2009


The idea and practice of growth has been mental mantra since graduating in september. I fear/ed that without the pressure of assignments nor the doors and windows presented by the constant inflow of information, I would stall. I would become routine and bland, slowly erode adventure and spark into flab. Sometimes growth takes personal effort to create the situation, sometimes it is thrust upon you without option. And sometimes the opportunity is there but you need to step out of your comfort zone. Last week Junior Boys was in the city. I didn't end up going because I couldn't find anyone to go with me. It was just something I wasn't comfortable with. I felt kind of disappointed that I missed it. Then while dropping by my favorite coffee shop to work, Sara/h, (the girl who works there that I have sort of gotten on a first name basis with) said, "I'm really disappointed in you. I thought you would have just gone and let what happens happen." I realized that I was more upset that I wasn't confident enough to go to the show myself. Another situation presented itself for me to venture forth into the social jungles alone. This Friday I went to the Sebastien Grainger concert, alone. I've been to movies alone, eaten in restaurants alone, but never a concert alone. I had my ears completely blown out and enjoyed being, sitting alone sipping a sprite while waiting for the next set. Here's to stepping out and new experiences.

(this was written over a period of 5 or so sittings, so I'm not sure if the thought process followed. Busy Easter weekend.)


jessica said...

Do you remember when I ran into you at the meWithoutYou show at the West End Cultural Show, only a couple weeks after moving to Winnipeg and knowing no one here?

I went alone there and it was one of the most memorable small-venue shows I've been to.

I've seen shows alone, movies alone, eaten in restaurants alone. Sometimes there's something liberating about being in solitude.

joel said...

I had completely forgotten, but yes. I need to go to shows by myself more often now. And MewithoutYou needs to come back.