Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lady Grey

It's official. My bike gets check out way more than I do. Stopped at a light, compliment given, conversation on the awesomeness of my bike ensues. Locking up my bike at the bank, compliment given, conversation on the awesomeness of my bike ensues. Passing someone on the street, compliment given, conversation on the awesomeness of my bike ensues. Waiting for the canon salute at the legislature on Remembrance Day, compliment given, conversation on the awesomeness of my bike ensues. Locking up my bike at work, expletive compliment given ("f***ing killer bike" from a cute girl no less), no conversation on awesomeness of the bike though. Sitting in Stella's eating breakfast and I see outside a group of 3 men looking over and touching her. Spinning her wheels, examining her 1950s leather seat. Etc, etc.

At least I am meeting and becoming the envy of the cyclists of Winnipeg. I have decided to name her Lady Grey.

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