Friday, August 20, 2010

New Westminister

I now have internet hooked up in my apartment, which I am pleased to say was not missed a great deal.

I guess the bigger news out of that statement is that I moved out. Yes, finally, at 27. I don't say that without a twinge of embarrassment raising its bright prickly head. So now, I call the east Broadway area home. The question I have been asked most concern the move is, "are you excited?" Honestly, no. Maybe it is that I knew I had the apartment many months before I could move in so it ebbed away before the move, or that the sense of relief of the event finally happening was greater. I think more that it just above all else felt natural. I feel calm. I have been enjoying the century old wood floors, white walls and large windows that make up the stage for my hours away from the world.

I know, general social conventions state that this should have happened quite a few years ago, but, I never felt that my wings were in any way constricted at home and so never pushed very hard. I had no impulse to escape a family, or a small town or rules like many people causing them to move at the soonest available moment. I have not used my lack of a superior to sow wild oats, or step across previously placed boundaries to test praxis. I never felt restricted in stretching my wings before, but I did seek solitude. To sit alone in my apartment with nothing but a cup of tea and my thoughts to keep me company has been a great joy. A different type of freedom I guess.

A rainstorm at sunset tonight made the sky a beautiful orange colour. For at least half an hour I watched the sky lose it's jack-o-lantern light through my tall, drop streaked windows. Alone. Content.


I'd been pondering over this freedom/solitude motivation since I moved in. I came across this video on one of the blogs I check often (can't remember which one). It only seemed fitting to include it.


Jessica Penner said...

Wonderful! Where is your new place? I'm at Garry at Assiniboine, just south of Broadway.

And yes, I saw that video the other day too, it is wonderful!

joel said...

I'm in the West Broadway area. Sherbrook and Westminister.