Saturday, May 21, 2011

Oh Dear...

I've become one of those people, haven't I.

One of those people that have a blog and never update it.

Maybe even worse, one of those people who update it once ever year or so, teasing themselves and others that they will update more frequently.

Ya, I think that's it. I think I'm one of those.

It's not that I haven't been intending to post for some time. I have.

I have written many posts in my head, planning out what and how to say it. But that only benefits my mind.

It's like seeing a beautiful scene and thinking you should take a picture of it, but you don't. A beautiful picture that only exists as a concept.

Well lets try this again. Let's bring this Frankenstein's monster back to life.


Let's see if it worked.

As a side note, today is supposedly the rapture according to certain American organizations.

I'll post something tomorrow.

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