Monday, July 13, 2009

This is not an ending

It has been a very long time since I written anything on here. I almost wrote "too long" but then I considered that that wouldn't be true. It has not been that I haven't had anything to write, I have. I have just chosen not to write. And so the amount of time it took for me to write has been the perfect amount of time.

This past month plus since I have written has been filled with auspicious occasions and important events. My brother and his fiancee came to the city for a wedding shower, I bought my first cell phone, and I just returned from an amazing 5 days at Folk Fest. All of this is all the more special because it is my first summer in the city in 7 years. Life happened and I felt no need to document it. I simply felt the desire to enjoy them in their moments and let them pass, because really that's part of what makes them valuable and beautiful. Their fleeting, their temporary existence made them something to be savored in that moment and digested into memory. And in memory they will grow to be something more wonderful as I forget the small troubles and trails that happened leaving only sunshine and smiles. And it all melds into what will be later referred to as the good old days.

So here's to the second half of summer yet to come. May it's days be as wonderful and memorable as the ones that proceeded them. The house is quiet and there is a cloudless blue sky outside. It should be a nice evening.

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