Friday, August 27, 2010

I want to ride my bicycle...

My lady has her makeup on. It makes her look so pretty. Not that she wasn't beautiful before. Her chrome frame has caught her fair share of eyes. The new cork grips just make her even more lovely. So I took her out on the town tonight. Nothing but the clicking of her gears and the sweat on my back. Gliding along the streets of Winnipeg with the breeze feeling pleasantly cool against my skin, we had ourselves a time. Now all I need for her is a name.

This was the perfect night cap to a nice slow day. I didn't start work until 11:30, letting me take time to enjoy a leisurely paced breakfast while listening to the new Starflyer 59 album. I love slow days for how they result in more time being allowed towards good meals. Fresh garden tomatoes appear to have been the days theme.
9am breakfast - Over medium eggs, grilled tomatoes and homemade apple rhubarb jam on rye. Americano and grapefruit juice.

10pm supper - Mini garden tomatoe and basil on cheddar pizza and a blonde Lefe.

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