Sunday, September 28, 2008

Having a blog is something that I have been considering for some time. I hadn't started one before because if I had a blog it would mean that I would need to have something to post on it, not to mention the time commitment. When the pros and cons were weighed it just didn't seem worth it. But, as you may be able to guess because I have started a blog, I now find it worth investigating.

Now don't expect this to be my online diary expounding on my latest relationship or my deepest secrets. I am hardly an exhibitionist. My life will of course be the starting point for most of my content, so I hope what I present of my life is entertaining to those who read. But, my goal is more to spur and document my personal growth and cultural explorations. Having to keep up a blog means that I need something to put in it. I will need to continue to take in and digest ideas to discuss, as well as expanding my cultural horizons so I have more culture to share.

I also believe that I have something to say, as everyone does. It's not that I think everyone should listen to me, it's that I think some might want to.


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